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博客何飛:WOW, Perú

何飛 | 2014-07-15

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Just 2 months before travelling to Peru, I came across a television commercial directed by Claudia Llosa in 2012 on promoting Peru as a travel destination. That TVC is, by far, the best TVC I have ever watched on promoting tourism for a country (and strictly speaking, for a country brand). What strikes me most is that, unlike any others, this TVC is not interested in telling us where we could go in their country. It’s a rather meditative narrative asking us what we really want for our lives and where do we get the inspirations from because, afterall, travelling is an important way of life learning. The narrative reminds us of the fact that our lives could onstantly get inspired by visiting different countries, as long as we are willing to open our hearts and stay curious. And, the more we travel, the more we realize our pre-assumptions about lives and other established values could be wrong. The TVC is trying to point out that Peru is exactly the country that would inspire and show us the endless possibilities.

This commercial is very emotive that it evoked my sense of urgency to travel to this country of endless possibilities, though normally, my experience was telling me that a TVC was just a TVC. Advertising in general might just beautify the promise. So, even though I was really touched by this commercial, I restrain myself from giving too much hope and expectation on what my trip to Peru would be in 2-month time.


It ended up I didn’t know how many times I had said “oh my god” during my trip in Peru. Even though I have been travelling extensively for work and for leisure, Peru is the first country that makes me WOW all the time-seriously. It is the first time a country could give me a clear and strong impression about their different characters that all the bits are unforgettable experiences and memories. To me, the TVC that I watched before had only understated what this country was like. After travelling to this country, I realize that my world view as very limited.

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The essence of Peru:

To capture the essence and memories of Peru, first of all, you will have to visit the best Latin American restaurant “Astrid y Gaston” in Lima (Number 1 on the list of the Best 50 restaurants in Latin America) before you leave the country. In my opinion, it serves the best culinary not just in Latin American region but the very top in the world. The complicated sensations and unique texture which their culinary brings (in the most honest and down-to-earth way) really blows my mind away.
So, what is the Peruvian essence really? I’d say the answer is as complicated as the culinary sensations from Astrid y Gaston’s refined dishes but each of them touches my heart deeply:

Latin America is not reputable for being efficient in general but Peru is. From the airport operation to general time management, it’s definitely on a par with Asian/Hong Kong standard; the vast and richness of the country’s natural resources including ingredients and food are overwhelming due to its unique micro-climate levels. For example, there’re over 4,000 types of potatoes produced in Peru, not to mention the avocado and asparagus are the best I have ever tried; breath-taking and diverse geographical landscapes that Peru covers (from Pacific Ocean, Andean region, Desert, Plateau to Amazon); the mystical impossible –have you ever seen a floating island that’s built by people with reeds, and that’s where the indigenous people live and work? Have you ever questioned about the marriage concept and system you learnt and follows?; respective traditions and archaeological sites including the famous Machu Picchu, the beautiful and refined weaved and crafted hand-made works and the dedicated respect to the mother earth; the connection between sustainable development and tourism; kind and warm-hearted people who patiently teach you each piece of necessary word used in the house and the daily food in Spanish (so that there is no worry about miscommunications and therefore, generating poor impression on their customer service) and take the lost travelers to where they need to reach; multi-culturalism mixing Asian, African, European, Andean, Meztizo and Amerindian enriching their culinary and contributing to Peruvian restaurants success topping off the list of the best restaurant in Latin America and the world; making dreams and possibilities become a reality like the tree house hotel in Machu Picchu and a mountain top resort hotel over Lake Titicaca in Puno.

Seriously, if you really wish to see and seek the possibilities that the world actually has to offer, go to Peru. You’ll definitely find your story over there.

To be continued.