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博客Connie:令人趨之若鶩Ashley Sutton的設計, 全城最有品味獨特隱世酒吧

Connie Chui | 2016-11-15

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要數近期最紅和最令人趨之若鹜的酒吧就非位於蘭桂坊的Iron Fairies和J. Boroski 莫屬了。這兩間酒吧都是由澳洲籍的著名設計師Ashley Sutton所設計。

Iron Fairies的概念源自Ashley Sutton寫的一本童話故事書關於鐵仙子在礦鐵的地下世界,Ashley活生生的把它化成真實,一一呈現在這酒吧裏。一進酒吧已有很多"wow"的感覺,好像走進了時光隧道般,天花板上繋着一萬多隻蝴蝶,隨著風的搖動,蝴蝶彷佛在頭上飛舞,令人有如幻似真的感覺而鐵仙子全都是人手製造,都是獨一無二的。還有一瓶瓶的fairy dust, 據說是用來鎖著鐵仙子的靈魂粉末,這裏到處都像是鐡匠的工房,有巨型的鐵製鍋爐而爐的小角落,就有現場樂隊伴奏爵士音樂,給人一種似夢迷離的感覺。飲品方面我就點了特色西瓜daiquiri配上有鐡仙子粉末的棉花糖,入口酸酸甜甜,很清新和有提神的感覺。

而另一酒吧J. Boroski就在Iron Fairies的橫巷裏。這裏絕對是一個隱世的酒吧,門外沒有任何顯示,這裏設計非常獨特,用了甲蟲和蜘蛛作主打設計而又出奇地配合了酒吧的整體氣氛。而最特別之處是這裹沒有餐牌,所有雞尾酒都是custom made,侍應會先諮詢客人的喜好然後就因應人客要求而調製一杯獨特的雞尾酒。J. Boroski自稱為"mixsultant",這表達他深深熱愛雞尾酒和他作為世界著名酒吧顧問的角色,他也在泰國設立了雞尾酒學校。

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除了香港外,Ashley Sutton也在泰國設計了很多非常獨特的酒吧和餐廳如Maggie Choo、Sing Sing Theater, Mr. Jones Orphanage, 它如別不同的設計,當你置身其中會一定令你留下深刻印象而驚歎他的設計靈感來源。他更有自己品牌的氈酒。膽粗粗的我很榮幸地訪問了Ashley,以下是訪問的節錄。

CC:Connie Chui AS:Ashley Sutton

CC:Who brought you to Hong Kong? 誰把你帶到香港?
AS:I was invited to hk by a businessman who wanted me to design some spaces for his properties.我被一位商人邀請去,為他的物業設計一些空間。

CC:What’s the favourite drink you usually order at the bar? Is it gin and tonic?你通常在酒吧最喜歡點什麼飲料?是氈酒和湯力嗎?
AS:No vodka soda 是伏特加和梳打.

CC:Where did all those wonderful design ideas come from when you designed Ophelia, J. Boroski, AshleyMaggie Choo, Sing Sing Theatre etc?
AS:它來自我的心靈和有意識的夢想It comes from my mind and conscious dreams.

CC:What’s the most challenging thing you’ve ever done?你做過最具挑戰性的事情是什麼?
AS:Not to stop thinking.不要停止思考

CC:What’s the most fascinating thing you ever came across in Hong Kong? 你在香港遇到最迷人的事情是什麼?
AS:The old ferries going to AshleyKowloon, I love that they are still original 舊的渡輪去九龍,我很喜歡他們仍然保留原來的傳統.

CC:Have you ever thought about filming a movie? As you always put the dreams into a reality, will be quite interesting if you put your stories into a movie.你有沒有想過拍攝電影?當你總是把夢想變成現實,如果你把你的故事拍成一部電影,將是相當有趣。
AS:Yes, already in the process :)是的,已經在過程中

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CC:What is it about your designs that makes them successful in the Asian markets? Do you think your designs would have been as successful in Europe or do you feel there is a difference in the European and Asian markets that would have forced you to change design ethos? If so what changes?您的設計是怎樣使它們在亞洲市場取得成功?你認為你的設計會在歐洲取得成功,還是你覺得在歐洲和亞洲市場有差異,這將迫使你改變設計精神?如果有是什麼變化?
AS:I think they would be popular anywhere, I just have never had an opportunity to do anywhere other than Asia :( 我認為我的設計在任何地方都會受歡迎的,我只是從來沒有機會在亞洲以外的任何地方

CC:What are your hobbies besides designing?除了設計,你的愛好是什麼?
AS:Nature, the environment and building submarines and spaceships 自然,環境和建造潛艇和宇宙飛船

CC:What advice will you give to young designers in Hong Kong?你會給香港的年輕設計師什麼建議?
AS:Stay away from computers to get ideas or reference, use your natural born line of design and taste to create individual style. 遠離電腦, 有自己的想法,使用你天生的設計和品味創造個人風格。

CC:How do you keep the balance of life? What do you do to release stress?你如何保持生活的平衡?你做什麼來釋放壓力?
AS:I spend time with trees and the ocean and myself. 我花時間與樹木和海洋和我自己。

CC:What’s your motto of life?你的生活座右銘是什麼?
AS:Be yourself and do it well and tasteful. 做回自己, 用心去做及有品味的。

CC:If the world was to end tomorrow, what would you do today?如果世界明天結束,你今天會做什麼?
AS:Fall in love with a girl or blast off in my spaceship. 愛上一個女孩或到我的宇宙飛船。


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