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王迪詩:I did it my way!


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那天參加晚宴,幾個德高望重的阿伯眼角瞄準了司儀手上那支咪,我喝一口香檳,低聲對身旁的朋友說:「我跟你打賭一餐日本菜,今晚至少要聽兩次My Way。」結果聽了三次。


我以前曾在這個專欄寫過,上了年紀的男人最鍾意唱My Way。後來一位朋友告訴我:「菲律賓政界有個傳聞,公開唱My Way的議員不久之後就會被暗殺,像詛咒之類的。」咁邪?我當場O嘴。Well,這當然只是一個毫無根據的謠言,即使真有議員唱完My Way就出事,大概也是因為得罪人而遭到報復吧,什麼「詛咒」?太迷信了。我嘗試這樣告訴自己。

平日一見這班阿伯上台瘋狂「獻唱」我就覺得頭痛,也沒怎麼留意歌詞。但「菲律賓暗殺詛咒」燃起了我的好奇心,便仔細讀了一次歌詞:「And now, the end is near. And so I face the final curtain. My friend, I'll say it clear. I'll state my case, of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full. I've traveled each and every highway. But more, much more than this. I did it my way...」


明晒。這基本上就是港版《千山我獨行不必相送》,台灣黑幫大佬流行在葬體上播這首歌。但「千山我獨行」瀟灑而充滿詩意,My Way則去得更盡,更加自以為是:「Regrets, I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do. And saw it through without exemption...」然而為什麼這首歌總是好像為男人而設呢?這又不公道了,我肯定有些女士唱這首歌入型入格,例如特首候選人林鄭月娥,I did it MY way!聲線不要緊,甚至五音不全也無所謂,唱歌最緊要唱到個mood,誰會比林鄭唱My Way更有說服力?

這首歌在英國是最歡迎的喪禮輓曲,The Guardian曾刊登一篇題為My Way Tops Funeral Chart的報道,其他受歡迎的輓曲還有Celine Dion的My Heart Will Go On和Tina Turner的Simply the Best,所以我其實不大明白為什麼很多阿伯一有機會就上台爭着唱My Way,貪利是咩。莫怪我Daisy嚇你,「貓王」皮禮士利演唱這首歌之後不久就去了「報到」。My Way英文版的原唱者是Frank Sinatra,蘇聯戈爾巴喬夫當年推出Sinatra Doctrine,寓意這項政策允許周邊華沙條約組織成員國「I did it my way」,自行決定自己的內政。Sinatra Doctrine推出三年後,蘇聯解體。無論如何,這都是一首落幕的歌,美國總統Donald Trump就職晚會第一首歌就是My Way,看着他的舞姿和得戚的表情,這聽來多麼像美國的輓曲。


要是Frank Sinatra知道自己的代表作今天成了送殯金曲,不知會有何感想。儘管這首歌風靡全球,成了他最廣為人知的名曲,Frank Sinatra本人卻非常討厭這首歌,他的女兒說:「He didn't like it. That song stuck and he couldn't get it off his shoe. He always thought that song was self-serving and self-indulgent.」Paul Anka最初聽到一首法文歌,馬上愛上它的旋律,為它填上了英文歌詞,就成了My Way,Anka稱歌詞是為Sinatra度身訂造,只有他能唱出這首歌的味道。如果Sinatra認為這首歌是「self-serving and self-indulgent」,那某程度上也是別人對他的印象吧。

從戀愛史來看,以「self-serving and self-indulgent」來形容他也相當貼切,跟他有染的女人多不勝數,他的第四任妻子Barbara Sinatra曾說:「Frank attracted women. He couldn't help it. Just to look at him – the way he moved, and how he behaved – was to know that he was a great lover and true gentleman. He adored the company of women and knew how to treat them. I had friends whose husbands were 'players', and every time the husbands had affairs my friends were showered with gifts. Well, I was constantly showered with gifts, but no matter what temptations Frank may have had while I wasn't around, he made me feel so safe and loved that I never became paranoid about losing him.」

有這樣的「賢妻」,難怪Frank Sinatra可以一輩子「I did it my way」。