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AY | 2017-05-15

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坐在我旁的一雙情侶,在電影播放不久後,便雙雙入睡去了。或許他們以為這是一齣盪氣迴腸的愛情片,放映後才發現跟預期有落差。沒有呼天嗆地,生離死別、愛恨交纏。戲是平淡,淡如水的詩意滲透戲中每個鏡頭。一盒火柴、一 杯啤酒都是愛。

《Paterson》是關於在美國新澤西洲城市 Paterson 內,有一名湊巧也名 Paterson 的巴士司機的日常。他愛寫詩,詩人William Carlos Williams 是他的偶像。他跟太太住在 Paterson ,每天上班下班的生活中,寫詩是他甜美人生的方式。電影順時敍述了 Paterson 一星期的生活。起床、上班、午餐、下班、跟妻子晚飯、溜狗、到相同的酒吧喝一杯啤酒 ⋯⋯ 一天大概是這樣。平淡的生活中,一切都是詩意的來源,如火柴:

《Love Poem》
We have plenty of matches in our house
We keep them on hand always
Currently our favourite brand
Is Ohio Blue Tip
Though we used to prefer Diamond Brand
That was before we discovered
Ohio Blue Tip matches
They are excellently packaged
Sturdy little boxes
With dark and light blue and white labels
With words lettered
In the shape of a megaphone
As if to say even louder to the world

Here is the most beautiful match in the world
It’s one-and-a-half-inch soft pine stem
Capped by a grainy dark purple head
So sober and furious and stubbornly ready
To burst into flame
Lighting, perhaps the cigarette of the woman you love
For the first time
And it was never really the same after that
All this will we give you
That is what you gave me
I become the cigarette and you the match
Or I the match and you the cigarette
Blazing with kisses that smoulder towards heave

火柴盒面的字體如擴音機上的一般,這個是來自 Paterson 太太的觀察,將二人生活的細節放進詩歌中,如羅丹說生活中充滿美,只是眼晴能否看到 。於是火柴也是愛,更隨時準備有所愛的女人焚成灰燼。

電影中夫妻的關係也不單純是一天到晚唸詩般的離地,導演似乎刻意將二人關係中也放點寫實元素。如太太要Paterson 送一支結他結她,他的表情有點不情不願卻沒有反對。又如太太用了 Paterson 喜愛的食材,自創一款鹹批做晚餐,Paterson 吃一口後再灌大杯水。太太問:不喜歡嗎?Paterson 答: 喜歡,然後又吃下一大口,再灌大杯水。難吃也要吃因為那是用愛做成,似乎在說明愛就是是恆久忍耐,老套但卻真實。

戲中所有的情節都是淡淡然,在生活中似乎沒有事情是 Paterson 不能忍受。這位巴直司機詩人,每天過著幾乎倒模般的生活,細心觀察車上的乘客或者是路上行人的對話。Paterson 彷彿就是 William Carlos Williams的化身,Williams的一首詩作《Paterson》就是受這個城市啟發,詩歌是關於一名男子生活就如這城一天,從早上展開然後碰到不同的人和事,淡淡在旁觀看,日出日落,生命該是如此平淡從容。

《Another One》
When you’re a child
you learn
there are three dimensions:
height, width, and depth.
Like a shoebox.
Then later you hear
there’s a fourth dimension:
Then some say
there can be five, six, seven…
I knock off work,
have a beer
at the bar.

I look down at the glass
and feel glad.


(戲中的詩歌出自美國詩人 Ron Padgett 之手)